Queen Vibes
Queen Vibes

What are queen vibes? Queen vibes are a destination of sorts. A queen lets her self-love and inner beauty shine through. You’ve seen her on the streets. She is a woman who walks with purpose and seems to be lit from within.

There comes a time in every woman’s life when she truly begins to believe that she is already a masterpiece. The years of self-doubt and insecurities melt away, and she becomes her own hype machine. This vibe is special because it’s solely based on your inner greatness. No more measuring your worth based on external and material things. They don’t matter.

This post is about walking through life with queen vibes.

She Knows Her Worth

A feeling of self-worth doesn’t come easy for all women. Some of us are born with it, and some of us are coached by mentors offering shortcuts. Then there are those of us who step into it over time. We take the long road. That was me. The journey to self-worth is a hard-fought battle. To be successful you must push back against the forces that threaten to diminish us.

There are many different roads on this journey. Some of us wing it and hope for the best, while others (myself included) devour every source of enlightenment we can to assist in our journey.

When you finally realize that you are amazing as you are, you carry yourself differently. You exude queen vibes. Everyone around you can sense that you have values, standards, and boundaries. This energy becomes undeniable.

It is never too late to arrive at a place of self-worth and acceptance. No matter where you are in life, take the journey.

Unconditional Love

Truly loving yourself involves a radical acceptance of every part of your being. It means figuring out what is important to you, feeling like you are deserving of a joyful and meaningful life, and giving yourself grace for your past mistakes. Many have said “When you know better you do better”, and I believe that to be true.

Queen Vibes: A queen knows that she can’t love anyone else if she doesn’t love herself first.

You Are An Original

Loving yourself also means subscribing to the idea that you are an original. There will never be another being just like you. We are all here for a finite amount of time, and we each have unique gifts that we can contribute to this world.

When you are constantly looking over your shoulder and comparing yourself to others, you diminish your self-worth. Seek to differentiate vs. imitate, and share your gifts. You can only be you and that is enough.

Queen Vibes: A queen understands that there is no one exactly like her.

My Journey

It took me years to arrive at a place of self-love and acceptance. I relied on external validation to give me a sense of worth. I waited for others to tell me what they liked about me or what I should aspire to. After a while, I had no idea if I was showing up as the authentic version of myself, or a version of the ideals that had been projected upon me.

Eventually, I rejected everything about myself that made me unique because I was playing the comparison game. I was whomever you thought I should be.

A turning point for me was when I became involved in a toxic relationship with someone who was super-critical. At first, I ignored the slights, and hoped that things would get better. But of course they didn’t, and I began to realize that I deserved better. I grew tired of the barrage of personal attacks and insults, and I ended things. I had reached the point where I knew with certainty that I was an amazing human being, and the criticism wasn’t valid.

My journey started there, and I became unapologetically me in every sense of the word. I leaned into my authenticity in every way:

  • I became more assertive at work and volunteered my perspective more
  • I wore the clothes that I loved and turned my back on trends
  • I began to spend more time on my passions

I embraced it all, and I haven’t looked back. No regrets.

Queen Vibes: A queen figures out that no one defines her, and she moves accordingly.

She Has Standards

Her Value System

A queen has a strong value system that serves as a foundation for her life choices. We all have a different set of values and the key is to have a clear understanding of yours.

When your standards and values are firmly in place, you will move through life confidently. You are fully aware of your non-negotiables, and carry them with you. When you are comfortable with your non-negotiables, you won’t hesitate to enforce them.

Queen Vibes: A queen knows what she does and doesn’t want in her life, and she builds everything around her ideal.

An example of this would be knowing that you want to be married in the future. A queen won’t allow her time to be wasted by men that aren’t interested in commitment. She will communicate her values in a way that makes it clear what her priorities are.

Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries apply to all aspects and relationships in your life. Have you ever re-drawn your boundaries to accommodate someone or make others feel comfortable? I have, and it doesn’t feel good. Each time I moved my boundaries, I knew I was shortchanging myself.

It’s important to figure out what you are comfortable with and adhere to it unapologetically. Boundaries are a healthy way to assert what is important to you and protect your peace. Drawing boundaries is an act of self-love.

Queen Vibes: A queen puts boundaries in place that support her inner peace, and when they are crossed, she doesn’t hesitate to communicate her position.

She Chooses Herself

A queen knows and loves herself so completely that when it comes to her happiness she will choose herself first. She won’t allow someone to eclipse her life with theirs. A queen makes moves and choices in a way that supports her values, boundaries, and happiness.

Queen Vibes: A queen stays true to herself when the chips are down.

She Is Focused On Evolution And Growth

It’s important that we continue to evolve as women and make an effort to show up as the best version of ourselves. We can choose to commit to enlightenment and growth.

An example of this is the practice of being present for each moment in our lives. All we have is the present, and when we allow ourselves to experience it fully we grow. I actively practice the power of presence in my own life, and it has helped me connect more authentically with others.

Part of my growth process has also been to bring more positivity and peace into my life. When you are intentional about infusing positivity into your daily activities, it lifts your mood. Find some time to meditate, journal, or even make a vision board. Whatever your thing is, go for it.

Queen Vibes: A queen’s thirst for enlightenment is never quenched.

Ladies, it’s time to move through life with queen vibes. Remember…

  • A queen knows her worth
  • A queen has standards
  • A queen is focused on growth and evolution

So pick up your crown, and acknowledge your inner greatness.

If you have a moment, check out my previous post “External Validation and Opting Out”


❤ Stephanie


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