Green And Red Flags
Green Flags

We spend a ton of time talking about all of the red flags that we are missing in relationships, but what about the green flags? What about the flags that let you know that you’ve snagged one of the good guys?

Green Flag #1- The Good Soul

We all know a good soul when we see one. They are kind and consistent and can be counted on in good or bad times. This guy is never looking to get over on people, if anything he’s doing the exact opposite.

He looks to help in any way that he can, and although he’s not perfect he manages to get the big things right. The things that good human beings stand for. He’s also not interested in showing up as anyone other than himself.

He’ll never try to embarrass you in front of others and he treats you with the utmost respect. Why does he do this? He does it because he is actually your friend and he isn’t afraid to be vulnerable with someone as important as you.

Finally, this man stands on his principles and lives a life of integrity. This most certainly means that you will be dealing with a man that will keep it 100 with you the majority of the time because he believes that honesty is important.

If you find a good soul, just know that he’s a keeper. He’s the guy that’s going to volunteer to keep the grill going at your mom’s BBQ and pick your sister up from the airport when she visits. This guy will also be the first one to help your grandmother out of the car. #keephim.

Green Flag #2- The Guy With Good Values

This guy is clear on what’s important in life. In one of your many conversations, you will discover that your values align, and you are in agreement on the big things. He won’t waste his time and energy on things that fall outside of the scope of the shared vision that you have created together.

You’ll never have to worry about him getting side-tracked and forgetting your master plan. He will stay the course. His strong value system is something that you can count on, and you know that he will be the perfect one to build a life with because he is just that focused.

He is the guy that will have a lot of “we vs. me” discussions, so you will never have to guess whether he’s actually on board. When you find someone with a good value system that you align with, keep him because he will always put the partnership first.

Green Flag #3- The Guy With Good Actions

This guy walks the walk. Many of us get seduced by the words that are spoken, and pay little attention to if the actions are actually matching up. Not only is he a good guy, but he actually behaves like one.

This is the guy that doesn’t keep a separate cell phone because he doesn’t need one. He will back up his Valentine’s Day gifts with real-life actions to show you how much he cares. You never have to wonder about his intentions with you because he votes with his feet. He is where he wants to be, and that is with you.

Too many times we are left guessing and wondering where we stand with guys, and it can be unsettling. This guy makes sure that you know that you are a priority every day of the week.

The Bottom Line

The key in relationships and choosing a mate is to look at how someone behaves. That will tell you everything that you need to know about what is and isn’t worth your time.

If you can find a few of these qualities in a man, then you are on the right track. Don’t fall in love with hypothetical situations that don’t have a chance of panning out, or the person that you think they have the potential to be.

The question is who are they showing up as today?

Look for the green flags ladies…

If you have a moment, check out my previous posts “Why I’m Single By Choice”

❤️ Stephanie


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