Habits Of A High Value Woman
High Value Woman

In life, if you have no idea who you are it is impossible to know where you are going. So much of a woman’s life trajectory has been set by societal norms that it can be hard to create your own lane. The question is how much do you value yourself and your unique walk in this world? This post is about adopting the habits of a high-value woman.

She Knows Who She Is

Many of us grow up hanging out with a group of girls who make moves as a collective. Everyone needed a girl group, and as we got older the dynamics changed based on the setting. The problem with this is that when you move or grow as a collective it can be hard to uncover your true voice. Most of our time becomes dedicated to fitting in.

We must all do the work of figuring out exactly who we are and it is never too late. It certainly didn’t come easy for me, and I really didn’t start doing most of the work until my twenties and thirties. When you figure out who you are, you begin to understand your value and what you bring to this world.

You finally become enough. You start realizing that you don’t have to conform to someone else’s ideal, and you begin to move through life with more confidence. Therein lies your value.

A high value woman will…

She Actively Practices Self-Love

When you realize that you are worthy, you begin to treat yourself with kindness. That inner critic that has been buzzing around in your head is summarily dismissed.

A high-value woman knows that self-love is an action verb and she begins to do things that will enrich her own life and bring her happiness. These activities might include being more intentional with her time and pursuing passions that she never thought were possible before.

She stands in the sun and allows herself to grow

  • A high-value woman is clear on her value system and the importance of honoring that. She won’t let anyone enter her world and eclipse the principles that she believes in. She also won’t let anyone shrink her down or put her in a box.
  • A high-value woman draws boundaries. She is clear on what she will and won’t tolerate behavior that she is uncomfortable with. She knows the danger of re-drawing her lines. This comes with maturity.

She Keeps Her Goals Front And Center

A high-value woman never loses sight of where she wants to go in life and will keep trying to get there. No matter what’s going on in her life, she keeps her eyes focused on her destination.

She also knows that she is an individual and has the right to take her own path. A high-value woman creates a life that is meaningful to her regardless of what everyone else is doing. She believes in herself and that alone adds fuel to her fire.

A high-value woman understands that there will be setbacks along her journey, but she is clear on one thing. She is clear that it is okay to fail and that getting back up is the most important thing. She has the guts to embrace the grind and weather the storms. A high-value woman also realizes that she only loses when she stops trying and she won’t be stopped.

She Chooses Her Universe

She doesn’t allow gaslighters to run her world. A high-value woman is front and center in her own life and surrounds herself with a team of people that she values. These are people that love and support her and she is always clear that they have the best intentions for her.

A high-value woman will actively remove toxic people and situations from her life. She knows that life is too short to allow them to dominate her airwaves and she exits stage left. As she matures, she’s become fairly adept at weeding out the bad ones (male or female), and she learns to trust her own instincts.

The Reset

It’s important to know that arriving at a place of true self-worth doesn’t happen overnight. My journey as a self-evolved woman has been a long one, but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I will continue to work toward becoming a more enlightened version of myself, and I’ve committed to it.

Remember who you are and that you’ve been valuable since day one. Never let anyone or any situation diminish you. We all have things that have happened in our lives that we may not be particularly proud of, but they don’t define you.

If you are already on your self-love journey that is fantastic. Keep moving and go with what feels right for you. If you haven’t that’s okay too. Start today by standing in your power as a unique individual.

Here are 3 action steps for your journey…

  • Start loving yourself. Flaws and all. You are an original so silence your inner critic and believe in yourself
  • Create healthy boundaries that will allow you to start healing your past traumas while honoring your future
  • Stop interacting with toxic people. They are not adding anything positive to your life and there is no room for negativity

At the end of the day, we are responsible for our own happiness. You are a high-value woman, so do your thing!

If you have a moment, check out my previous post “Meet Me Where I Am”


❤️ Stephanie


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