Leading With Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving ❤

The global developments over the past few years have impacted us in many ways. During the pandemic, everything stopped, and life as we know it changed. This post is about leading with gratitude.

There has been so much loss, stress, and fear; in some ways, the shock waves of the pandemic are still reverberating through our communities. I find myself feeling wary at times, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Other times I feel okay. It can be really challenging to regain your footing and restore balance to your life at times like these. The landscape is continuously shifting beneath our feet.

Because of this, I think it’s important to lead with gratitude for what we are blessed with right now. There will always be variables and things beyond our control, but we can choose to focus on what is enriching our lives today.

Respect The Journey

Have respect for the journey that you’ve been on. Life is always going to have its storms, heartbreaks, and triumphs, but we must show appreciation for the process that enables us to grow as individuals. It may not look exactly as we want it to, but it is OUR journey.

The Lessons

We’ve taken some lessons from this experience, and the lessons are everything. We’ve realized that life is fragile and that nothing can really insulate us from the monumental challenges we are facing as humans today. I never even fathomed that we would experience a pandemic in my lifetime, or that we would be wearing masks every day. But yet it happened. That is when the blinders came off for me. I realized how little is actually within my control, and that I needed to be grateful for what I do have.

The Scars

The scars will stay. We will never get the chance to rewrite history where that is concerned. Whether it was the loss of a loved one, tough times, or watching your child struggle within the confines of the pandemic landscape. The great thing about scars is that they are a reminder that we are still here. We survived. Scars are the badges of our courage.

All of these things shape us. Even if they are painful and heartwrenching. We can choose to be grateful for the journey and the knowledge that we are still standing. Take the lessons and the scars, the bitter with the sweet, and acknowledge them all. Be at peace with them, because it is part of life.

Mindful Abundance

I like to practice mindful abundance. Abundance is about being aware of how life supports you and noticing the abundance already present in your life. Our society is so focused on consumption that sometimes we forget to acknowledge what we already have. When you are in a space of abundance, you live more and seek less.

For myself, I had to get to a place in my life where I realized that I had enough of what I needed (food, shelter, clothing, love). These things were actually already bringing me a certain level of happiness, I just didn’t acknowledge it. Everything else was just stuff. It was a challenging process. I had become accustomed to the jolt that instant gratification (translation: shopping) can bring. Once I did an honest assessment of what my true needs vs. wants were, I was able to refocus and deploy my resources accordingly.

As a result, my world shifted into a much more positive space. I started to appreciate the simple things and experiences in my life so much more.

Practicing mindful abundance also gave me more time to focus on the passions that truly enriched me. Instead of spending money on that new handbag, I invested in garden supplies to pursue my passion for gardening. I had always loved gardening, but never actually made time for it. Pouring into your passions will also support you in your journey toward abundance.

Stay Present

We need to be grateful for the time that we have with our loved ones. Time is our most precious asset. One thing that the pandemic definitely showed us is that our health isn’t guaranteed. We need to spend time with the people we care about and let them know that they are appreciated. Show gratitude for the relationships that sustain you.

Also, be fully present when you are engaged in your activities with your family and friends. If we are thinking about our grocery list instead, we are missing the little moments that will become memories in the future. Savor the little things like watching the sunrise or taking a long walk after work. These types of activities will soothe your soul and support your gratitude journey.

Participate in your passions today! If you want to go white water rafting, or join open mic night at the local comedy club, go for it. There are no dress rehearsals, just experiences. Focus on the ones that enrich you.

You are already whole. Just embrace it. If you’d like to learn more about restoring peace and balance in your life, check out my previous blog post “Going Inward In 3 Steps” https://herpicketfence.link/tqq.

❤ Stephanie


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