Single Is My Superpower…
Single is my superpower

Okay, forget what you thought or even what you heard. Single women are more powerful, empowered, and successful than ever before. As a matter of fact, we are changing the game. That’s why I’ve always had a problem with my single status being viewed as some sort of deficiency. This post is a shout-out from one single girl to another because at the end of the day being single is my superpower. It means that I am holding my own, and living my life.

Time For A Remix

First of all, I’d like to claim an updated version of the term spinster. A spinster has been traditionally defined as an unmarried woman who is older than what is perceived as the prime marriageable age. This woman is also considered highly unlikely to ever marry. Say what? This term has been used forever to diminish women who are doing their own thing. Not anymore. It now stands for:

The Movement

Single women are redefining what it means to have a meaningful life. We are chasing our dreams solo because we can. We are making big decisions because we can. The days of us waiting for permission to live our best lives are over. Cheers ladies!

Defying The Norms

Why allow someone to define you? Define yourself. Haven’t met the right guy yet? Big deal. Still no kids? It’s totally cool. Just live your life. Period. No one gets to build your life or tell your story but you.

When you stop caring about what society expects of you and begin to step into your own power as a woman, the world shifts. You begin to realize that all of these expectations are social constructs, and you don’t have to acknowledge any of them.

Letting these norms dictate your life can lead us to situations that are soul-destroying or even dangerous. We all deal with the consequences of our own life choices, so why let society dictate them? Structure your life in a way that makes sense to you.

Focus On Your Blessings

Remember that saying “Don’t ever wish to walk in anyone’s shoes because you never know how tight they are?” Truth.

You have already been given so many blessings. Does not meeting societal expectations make your life meaningless? Not a chance. It makes your life yours and yours only. Why compare yourself to others? Comparison is a total waste of energy, and you are doing yourself a disservice.

Honor your achievements in life and count your blessings. There will always be someone that has more or less than you. That won’t ever change. What matters is how you feel about yourself, so get rid of those labels and focus on the great things that are going on in your own life. Just do your thing and the universe will take care of the rest.


Ok here is a tough one for us single girls. We are so used to doing everything on our own that we have a hard time making room for or even being open to a relationship.

I get it, we’re taking care of ourselves and paying all of our bills, but there is something to be said about finding a person to share your life with. That’s if you choose to.

Being single doesn’t have to mean you are single forever. It can also mean that you are a successful empowered woman who is also taking resumes. It doesn’t have to be a priority or even a “thing” but it can be an option if you are open to it.

I cringe at the thought of making mate-seeking a priority and refuse to be made to feel inadequate because it’s not my reality. That being said, I am always going to be open to the possibilities of a partnership.

Let’s get rid of these antiquated ideals and expectations that do little to empower us. We are so much more than that, and the only checklist that matters is the one we make for ourselves.

So live your life, but leave some space, because your possibilities are endless!

If you have a moment, check out my previous post “Why I’m Living My Life vs. Seeking A Mate”

❤ Stephanie


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